Nutrition plays an integral role in optimising the performance of elite players and maintaining their health.
Making Homemade Chocolate and Banana Brownie As part of the different activities of our Annual Programme, last Monday we held a practical cooking workshop, where our Sports Nutrition specialist taught our players how to prepare a homemade chocolate and banana brownie. The idea was to learn how to make a simple and quick dessert for
Effective recovery is a fundamental part of athlete performance, especially in the context of professional football. After strenuous training and competitive matches, the body needs to recover properly to maintain a high level of performance on the field. One of the key aspects of optimal recovery is the management of macronutrient loading, i.e. the amount
SIA Academy Annual Program: Medical Examination In the SIA Academy annual program, a medical examination is performed for all academy players at the at the start of programming. The medical examination at SIA Academy consists of several medical tests such as a blood test, electrocardiogram, gas stress test and finally a bone densitometry, also known
Sports Nutrition: What to eat before and after a match for optimal performance in young athletes. Nutrition is a crucial component in the world of sports, and soccer is no exception. Proper nutrition before and after a soccer match can make all the difference in a player’s performance and recovery. To find out what to
Here are three key tips to follow to look after the health of an elite footballer: 1. Taking care of the diet of a football player Diet is a fundamental pillar in the performance of a professional athlete. To reach their maximum potential, it is crucial that their diet is balanced and adapted to the
Vegetarian diets are becoming more and more common in the sporting arena, athletes choose this type of diet for a variety of reasons including health, environment, ethics, philosophy, religion/spirituality and aesthetics. There are different types of vegetarian diets: Is it possible to cover the energy requirements of football with a vegetarian diet? Vegetarian diets are
In high-level sport there is increasingly equal participation of women in most disciplines, however, at the scientific level most studies still use men as participants in sports performance research and there is much less evidence on women’s exercise physiology. This is a major problem, as physiological differences between the two genders mean that the evidence
NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES DURING COMPETITION Los objetivos nutricionales durante esta etapa se enumeran a continuación: Carbohydrate intake in its simplest form El aporte de carbohidratos durante una competición tiene la finalidad de suministrar energía rápida al torrente sanguíneo a fin de disminuir la velocidad de consumo de las reservas (glucógeno), favoreciendo así su duración y previniendo
At SIA we know the importance of nutrition in sports performance, which is why our project has focused on the nutritional education of our players in order to provide them with the necessary tools to encourage the voluntary adoption of healthy eating behaviours that contribute to their sporting career. Likewise, we work to attend to