SIA Academy passes stress tests
The Soccer Inter-Action academy kicks off a new season in the coming weeks, after the holidays, the players are looking to kick off an exciting campaign at the high performance centre at the highest level.

In order for the Soccer Inter-Action teams to perform at the highest level in their respective categories, the SIA footballers must undergo medical tests, especially the gas stress test, to test their physical condition after the summer.

Where are the medical tests carried out and what do they consist of?
To prepare for the demanding 21/22 season, SIA Academy has chosen the Jaime I Clinic in Catarroja as the centre of reference for stress tests and medical check-ups to evaluate the physical condition of the players.

The players of the Soccer Inter-Action teams underwent different processes on their arrival at the Jaime I Clinic in Catarroja: a 12-lead electrocardiography, a basic examination with a blood pressure sphygmomanometer and pulse oximetry and a colour Doppler echocardiography.
In addition to these tests carried out on the SIA Academy players, the members of the Third Division team, UD SIA Benigànim, also underwent a treadmill stress test. These tests were passed on to their respective technical staff.

What is the purpose of gas ergonometry?
The gas stress test provides SIA Academy fitness trainers with additional physiological information that is used to prepare training sessions and prevent future injuries. Thanks to it, we can calculate the training loads in % of heart rate or know at what speed we will reach our maximum running frequency. They serve to have the values with which to adjust the GPS’s used in training.

What other services does the Jaime I Clinic offer?
Testing healthy sportsmen and women is just one of the many tasks carried out at the Jaime I Clinic in Catarroja. COVID-19 control, sports traumatology, allergology, digestive system, general surgery, dermatology, dietician, nutritionist, endocrinology, nursing, physiotherapist, gynaecology and family doctor are the areas in which the medical centre chosen by SIA Academy is involved.
SIA Academy and Clínica Jaime I are working together to get the best out of the Soccer Inter-Action players. The sporting results can be seen when all the Valencian football competitions kick off.