Articles on sports psychology for high performance
How is psychology applied in football? The knowledge about psychology is very broad, but where these aspects really become important is in how we solve our difficulties or improve our skills in practice. In order to achieve this increase in performance, knowledge must be applied in a context very close to the real one, generating
Like any citizen, a footballer has the fundamental right to freedom of expression and thus to express and disseminate his thoughts, ideas and opinions freely and in safety by speech, writing or any other means. Footballer’s right of expression The limitations of this right, in the case of a football player, are specified in the
SIA Academy trains its players and their families in nutrition and psychology. During the month of November, the SIA Academy held a series of informative talks for players and their families. These talks focused on important topics such as nutrition and psychology to help families in their day-to-day lives. These events took place at both
The psychology area is responsible for improving the well-being and sporting performance of all the components of the club. It starts by generating values and identity to the club, establishing the base of behaviours that we want from our athletes, with the previously explained base we proceed to the development of techniques or strategies, to
Tactical application of attention in goalkeeping Goalkeepers are those players who have to prevent opponent’s goals, either cooperatively or alone (as in the case of penalties, where the influence of teammates is low). They also influence the game indirectly by helping their teammates to organise themselves to prevent future dangerous actions by the opposing team
In sport it is important to develop motor skills or muscular strength, but it is even more important to know how, when and where to perform each action, and at a very high speed, adapting continuously to game situations In order to make the right choice it is important to make good decisions. We will
What is emotional intelligence Goleman in 1996 popularised the term emotional intelligence, first let’s begin to understand this definition by knowing the parts that this word has. Intelligence is defined by the RAE as the ability to understand or comprehend as well as to solve problems, Vigotsky adds that the activities between adults and children
THE IMPORTANCE OF INTENSITY IN FOOTBALL There is no doubt that one of the most heard words in training sessions and football games is ‘intensity’. We frequently find ourselves using this term, however, sometimes without understanding the real meaning this word. Are we making a mistake when it comes to demanding intensity over and
Do we know how to listen? I am Jose Gonzalez, in charge of the Psychology Department at Soccer Inter-Action. Thanks to my Psychology Degree, I have the ability to understand the needs of our players and know how to encourage problem solving to help them improve their sporting performance. I studied the Master of Coaching
MOTIVATION AS A FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENT IN SPORTS PERFORMANCE Motivation has been and continues to be one of the fields of greatest interest. It is already well-known in the sports community how important motivation is nowadays in order to maximise the talent and potential of an athlete. However, in many cases the exact definition of