Healthy habits for those who want to become a football player
beneficios del fútbol para la salud
Football is a very popular sport played all over the world by both children and adults, competitively or simply for fun. It requires a wide range of physical, technical, tactical and psychological qualities, adjusted to the demands of the sporting engagement. It combines different game situations in which there are rapid accelerations and decelerations, jumps
It is common for football teams and academies to come to Soccer Inter-Action’s facilities for a short period of time for training. During these days or weeks, apart from using the high performance facilities, they are coached by the Academy coaches and can learn the methodology. It is very interesting for foreign players to spend
cómo ser profesional
he dream of many children is to become a professional soccer player. They are aware of the difficulty of the challenge. Even soccer players like Messi, Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo admit that in order to achieve it, they needed a stroke of luck. Being in the right place at the right time. However, luck is
velocidad en el fútbol
The physical aspect is becoming more and more important in modern soccer. The preparation of players is total and they are designed to compete at the highest level every 3-4 days. Many fans wonder how to train this section, and in particular how to train speed. Speed is the ability of a person to move
jugadores SIA Academy
UD SIA Benigànim, SIA Academy’s first team, played a match against UD Paterna during the Christmas break. Both teams took advantage of the break to continue training and playing preparatory matches ahead of the return to competition next week. In this match, fortune fell to two of our academy players. Jill and Giacomo were called
futbol femenino
Football is the most popular sport in Spain. There are countless schools, clubs and academies all over the country. Our men’s and women’s national teams are world leaders, but everything has a beginning. Training during adolescence is key to reaching a high level. At this stage it is common for players to be in academies.
ser jugador de futbol profesional en España
The first team of Soccer Inter-Action, UD SIA Benigànim, has started the season in a great way. The opponents they have faced have been of high level and have offered a very competitive image in each of the matches played. In the classification table of the sixth Spanish division, they are in the middle of
London hosted the World Travel Market, a global travel fair, where Soccer Inter-Action showcased its services and facilities as a sports travel destination. Within the destinations of the Valencian Community, we are positioned as one of the best sports destinations for training camps or stays for football teams. It was very interesting to be able
partidos amistosos en España
SIA Academy enjoys a preparation test against Safor Being at the academy is not just about training. Our students consciously prepare for the matches. Against Safor, they showed the work behind the daily training and managed to win. This confirms the improvement of the boys and girls since they arrived at the academy. The competition
IDA Valencia Soccer Academy
The SIA Academy players played their last game before the Christmas break. After these first four months of training, expectations are rising. The player’s progression is also noticeable in the technical and tactical aspects that they work on during the week.  The opponent for the match was IDA Valencia, a football academy that only has
eture sports
SIA Academy plays against ETURE Sports academy SIA Academy players are in a constant evolution. Each match they play, it is more evident that the training sessions are paying off. In this case, our players faced Eture and played a fantastic match, where they put into practice everything they had learnt. The difference in age