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Which is the best international football academy in Spain is one of the most frequently asked questions by young football players abroad. Being part of Spanish football is multiplying your chances of becoming a professional football player. Therefore, being part of a football academy is a great stepping stone to the elite. High-performance football schools
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The psychology area is responsible for improving the well-being and sporting performance of all the components of the club. It starts by generating values and identity to the club, establishing the base of behaviours that we want from our athletes, with the previously explained base we proceed to the development of techniques or strategies, to
metodologia SIA Academy
The way we see and perceive reality will determine the way we see Football Coaching. Do we all see and perceive reality/life in the same way? NO. Do we all see the competition in the same way? NO. What is the difference between the global method and the analytical method? Within these two schools of
Football in South Korea has become increasingly important thanks to the explosion of its young players over the last decade. Learn the secrets of their success and the potential they can achieve thanks to the International Football Academies. It only takes one more step for football in Asia to reach global football success. Countries such
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IMPLICATIONS OF PROTEIN CONSUMPTION BEFORE BEDTIME The importance of protein consumption in generating adaptive muscle responses to training is widely known in the sports field. For this reason, many studies have been devoted to answering the questions that arise in this relationship between protein intake/maximal rates of protein synthesis: what type of protein is best?
futbol sudamericano
To review the history of world football and its great legends is to mentally travel the South American geography. From Di Stéfano to Pelé and Maradona and ending with Messi. From the Aztec State to La Bombonera and Maracana. South American football has nourished the beautiful game with stories and myths. Even so, European football
partido contra el Levante UD
Where to become a professional footballer in Spain is a question that defines your future as a football player. Choosing where to train is key to maximising your development. What better place to do this than at the Soccer Inter-Action international football academy’s high performance football centre. What should I do if I want to
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What is more important in the training process of the football player, the concepts that the coaches and professionals who work during the teaching process can transmit or the capacity of absorption and transformation into acquired knowledge and aptitudes that the player can develop into skills and actions during the game? The training programmes of
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Physical preparation in a football context Football, as a sport, has its own characteristics that define and condition its functioning and Hernández Moreno (1994) understands it as “those sports of collaboration – opposition, in which the action of the game is the result of the interactions between the participants, produced in such a way that
SIA Academy la mejor de Europa
The SIA Academy international football school is one of the most prestigious high performance football academies in Spain. Soccer Inter-Action has high level facilities and a professional staff that takes care of the player during his stay. High-performance football academies in Spain There are several high performance football academies in Spain. In these academies, training
UD SIA Benigànim hosted CD Roda last weekend. The first team of Soccer Inter-Action’s international football academy battled against one of the best grassroots football clubs in Spain. The team managed by SIA includes several players with a background in Roda. UD SIA Benigànim players The training project of UD SIA Benigànim focuses on an
como ser jugador profesional en España
Being a professional football player in Spain is a goal sought by hundreds of thousands of football players around the world. They come to Spain from all over the world to dedicate themselves to the beautiful game. To get closer to the goal it is important to learn in an international football academy in Spain.