We have to take into account many aspects, and one of them is the economic capacity we have to acquire one camera or another. It is important to emphasise that it will be possible to record matches with many types of cameras, and subsequently these matches will also be analysed correctly.
However, an important nuance in the choice of the camera is not only the price, but also the model or the functionalities of the camera.

Type of camera
We will explain this in the following examples:
First of all, as we have mentioned in previous articles, it does not make the club or the coaching staff have to spend a lot of money to have tools with which to analyse their team and also their opponents. For example, this model of camera is ideal for beginners in the world of video analysis, for reasons such as the low acquisition cost, both for a coach and a club, or the fact that they are easy to use and subsequently export all the recorded content.

In this type of camera, depending on the type of field where the recording is to be made, we may or may not have a better view of the game. One of the important aspects will be the height.
As can be seen in the image, with the aforementioned cameras, we will be able to achieve this perspective for the video. Therefore, we will be able to make a good analysis of the match with means that do not have a great cost.

Camera VEO o Pixellot
Secondly, there are different types and models of cameras that have been developed for recording matches and making the most of video analysis.
Within this point, we are talking about cameras such as VEO or Pixellot, which already have a higher cost. Being able to count on this type of camera will allow us not to have a person recording the match, as these models have a lens focused on each pitch. They come with a built-in tripod at a height of around 7 or 8 metres. Therefore, only the coaching staff will have to set it up before the match in the centre of the pitch and remove it at the end.

One of the aspects to take into account in these cameras is that they are connected to a cloud designed for each club, which will provide us with all the videos stored so that any coach or member of the club can view them whenever they wish. All this will provide us with greater control and data storage that can be useful for different departments of the club.

Cámaras tácticas para video análisis
Finally, the implementation of tactical cameras in stadiums of clubs playing in professional leagues.
Tools such as Mediacoach provide clubs with a completely clean view of the game, observing all 22 players on the pitch. For analysts, it is important to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the players on the pitch, even if the ball is on the other side.

Mediacoach provides professional teams with continuous parameters that can be quantified and analysed by members of the coaching staff. It also generates videos and reports to be used and filtered by the team’s analysts.
All of this, with the aim of analysing all the phases and situations that happen during the course of the match, in order to make the most of them for the benefit of the team.