The goalkeeper’s position on the pitch is one of the most complex that we can find. The evolution it has undergone in recent years has forced coaches to work in a more holistic way with the goalkeeper. Today we can divide the goalkeeper’s tasks into four main groups: preventing chances, preventing shots, preventing goals and,
The FC Union Berlin women’s team have enjoyed the facilities of the SIA Academy for a winter training camp. The players coached by Ailien Poese have completed their training sessions on the natural grass pitch during these days. The German players have had all the comforts of a centre like Soccer Inter-Action. They have carried
During the winter break, both teams have continued training to maintain their form and improve aspects for the second half of the season. Soccer Inter-Action’s first team won after coming from behind to beat Massanassa’s early goal, which was a joy to watch ahead of the league competition in Regional Preferente. For their part, SIA
The German FC Union Berlin team will be staying at the SIA Academy facilities for the next few weeks. The players of the German team will take advantage of these days to face the second part of the competition in the best possible way. Their goal is none other than promotion. Therefore, the specific work
Video analysis can be described as the process of collecting data using video to analysing that data to finally prepare it and deliver it as feedback. Video analysis aims to improve sports performance by providing data, therefore it is very important prior to start recording what data we want to analyse. The analysis philosophy (what
Vegetarian diets are becoming more and more common in the sporting arena, athletes choose this type of diet for a variety of reasons including health, environment, ethics, philosophy, religion/spirituality and aesthetics. There are different types of vegetarian diets: Is it possible to cover the energy requirements of football with a vegetarian diet? Vegetarian diets are
Football is a very popular sport played all over the world by both children and adults, competitively or simply for fun. It requires a wide range of physical, technical, tactical and psychological qualities, adjusted to the demands of the sporting engagement. It combines different game situations in which there are rapid accelerations and decelerations, jumps
It is common for football teams and academies to come to Soccer Inter-Action’s facilities for a short period of time for training. During these days or weeks, apart from using the high performance facilities, they are coached by the Academy coaches and can learn the methodology. It is very interesting for foreign players to spend
he dream of many children is to become a professional soccer player. They are aware of the difficulty of the challenge. Even soccer players like Messi, Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo admit that in order to achieve it, they needed a stroke of luck. Being in the right place at the right time. However, luck is