SIA Academy continues with its Summer Football Camp 2021. Its High Performance Centre in Spain hosts one of the most awaited sports camps of these months thanks to its programme. High Performance Training, workshops and fun are the pillars of this Football Camp.
Which is the best football camp in Spain?
What better way to make the most of the summer than training for your favourite sport! Football Camps are undoubtedly the best solution during these months so as not to disconnect from the sport and the preparation for the next season.

In addition to training, high performance football camps, such as the SIA Academy, are characterised by their educational aspect, where educational workshops and recreational activities play an important role. All of them related to football.

Committing to continue training at the highest level and combining it with workshops and educational activities is one of the recipes for success of a complete Summer Football Camp, something that seems simple to do, but in reality there is a very comprehensive programme design behind it.

Having qualified staff and coaches is vital to ensure that nothing goes wrong at a football camp and the involvement of such staff is fundamental to the player’s final experience.

Working hard on the field and enjoying learning important aspects of the sport is a successful combination when it comes to choosing one summer camp over another. The methodology used must be transmitted in a short period of time.

Second week of the Summer Football Camp 2021
Spectacular second week of summer camp at SIA Academy. The Soccer Inter-Action High Performance Centre, located in Enguera (Valencia, Spain) has once again been the perfect setting for another edition of this football camp.

The availability of an infinity of sporting resources on the same site and magnificent sporting facilities allows the professionals at SIA Academy to design a Football Camp programme that is innovative and different from the rest of the proposals.

This has led to such positive experiences as those experienced in this second week of the Summer Campus, where the young players – both external and internal – have worked up a good sweat thanks to the training sessions as well as having fun through the workshops and activities.

So, what workshops and activities make this football camp different? Without a doubt, the technology and environment of the SIA Academy’s High Performance Centre is conducive to organising outstanding workshops with modern technology.

Bike rides, table tennis or PlayStation tournaments, excursions and swimming in the SIA Academy pool and lake, training recordings, nutritional and sports psychology talks,

Medical check-ups at the clinic, a gastronomic experience at the restaurant… a host of activities to complement the main pillar of the SIA Academy Campus: the training sessions.

What are the training sessions like at a High Performance Football Camp?
The aim is none other than to get the maximum potential out of each player in the shortest possible time. Designing a football training programme is no easy task and SIA Academy has focused all its efforts on having the best football training.

The qualified coaches at the SIA Academy Campus use the methodology of Tactical Periodisation to design the sessions on the pitch. With everything measured in detail, the footballers carry out exercises of all kinds, either individually or in groups.

Technification is very important to improve the individual conditions of each player and tactics is vital to understand team play. Everything is worked on in the two football fields that SIA Academy has and the demand is maximum from the first minute.

On the pitch it is all about competition. Footballers learn by competing and that extra effort that comes from fighting to be the best gives them an extra point of performance that helps them in their learning process.

Health Protocols for Summer Football Camps
The health situation in Spain and the rest of the world has forced sports organisations to go one step further in terms of health safety. SIA Academy has a health protocol that guarantees that sports can be carried out with full guarantees.

All Summer Football Camp attendees undergo an antigen test on the first day to ensure that no one is COVID-19 positive. Thereafter, the training groups are divided into age groups and each group has its own coaches.

Hygiene and disinfection is constant at the High Performance Centre and having an on-site clinic – with its own doctor – is a further stimulus to reinforce the well-being of the SIA Academy football camp members.

If you want to know how was the previous week of the camp, click here.