A football player has to control many aspects of his environment. It is not just about being the best on the pitch, you also have to be careful about what you do on a day-to-day basis. The routine of each player is very important in order to aspire to be a professional.

This is the responsibility of each individual, although families and close environment should also help. Exercising, controlling the use of mobile devices, sleeping and eating properly, as well as maintaining good hygiene, being sociable and emotionally stable are key to being in the best shape.
Monitoring physical activity and use of digital devices
- Physical activity: It is recommended that children and adolescents should practice, on average, 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous sport, being aerobic or with the aim of strengthening muscles. Limit the time spent in sedentary activities.

- Use of digital devices: The time of use of digital devices should be less than 2 hours per day, generate rules for the appropriate use of these devices in leisure situations, establish zones free of the use of electronic devices (in bed, at the table at mealtimes, etc.).

- Monitor their use of the device because of the unlimited possibilities they have to access content that is not appropriate for their age. Preventing eye injuries that can be caused by overexposure to screens. Sleep disturbance, when using electronic devices close to bedtime, affecting the quality of sleep. Generating a personalised plan for the needs of each child and their respective families.

Sleeping and eating well
- Sleep: At this stage, they should sleep around 9 hours a day. We must help to plan the agenda to be able to attend to the different activities that our children carry out on a daily basis, not having the capacity to carry out all the planned activities will generate stress, making it difficult to reconcile and improve the quality of sleep. In the event that they have difficulties in carrying out this task, it is a good idea for parents to help with the calendar.

- Nutrition: A poorly balanced diet due to an excess or lack of certain nutrients can cause different illnesses in the future. If, as in this case, we are talking about sportsmen and women, we must pay greater attention to this aspect. We should drink water frequently, eat foods rich in protein, eat foods rich in fibre and antioxidants, eat pulses at least twice a week and finally limit fatty foods and pastries.

Maintaining good hygiene
- Hygiene: To avoid health problems from simple infections to more serious illnesses, it is important to take care of hygiene, hygiene and cleanliness are important habits. For example, showering after each workout to avoid colds or cleaning your teeth daily.

This is a basic and essential part of any football team routine. For yourself as well as for your teammates, you have to keep hygiene under control every day.

Being sociably active
- Social activity: Sport is a very important means of socialisation where the constant interaction between teammates and rivals favours the personal and emotional development of people at any stage, as well as generating a feeling of ownership and favouring a more welcoming atmosphere among team members.
Group cohesion is fundamental within a dressing room. Many of the best teams are not only good on the field, but also treat each other as friends off the field. United players will compete better for their teammates.

Managing emotional wellbeing
- Emotional Situation: At Soccer Inter-Action, we take care of the mental health of our players, thanks to the psychology department giving support to the different difficulties that may occur throughout the season. From the very beginning we have believed in the importance of mental health, investing in the wellbeing of the players and their families by supporting them in the most difficult moments.

This is one of the points that can be the most difficult, and therefore also the most important. For a player to be able to perform at his best, he has to be sure and calm with himself. To be confident in his possibilities and not to hesitate in possible difficult situations.