Covid tests will be performed weekly at Soccer Inter-Action
Our 3rd Division and National Youth team are being regularly tested for Covid-19
COVID-19 tests have been compulsory for Third Division and National Youth (U-19) players from October.

They have also been extended to include all technical staff for these teams.
The tests are always done 48 hours before the official matches that will be played during the 2020-2021 season.
“With the PCR the virus is detected from the moment of infection until it leaves and with the quick test the presence of coronavirus antibodies is revealed, so you have all the information necessary”.

“The risk to the footballer is very low when carrying out periodic controls”, assures Dr. Rausell, responsible for the Medical Services of Soccer Inter-Action and Medical Director of Clínica Jaime I de Catarroja.

International Academy players undergo COVID test
The protocol for the academy’s young players and staff has been reinforced over the last month, including weekly tests for players, staff, and educators.

Medical check-ups and examinations have been intensified. Along with the weekly physical preparation and nutrition checks, the academy’s medical service carries out examinations to check on the players’ health.

The restrictive measures adopted by countries due to COVID-19 may alter the plans of our players during their Christmas holidays. Which countries can they travel to? What restrictions will they encounter due to COVID-19? This is another reason to anticipate changes and facilitate their travel.

Access to the residence and facilities has been limited. The protocol for the sanitation of sports facilities and equipment has been reinforced.

Many of them will nevertheless participate in our Christmas activities, as it is safer to continue in the facilities, where in case of contagion the appropriate protocols are established and the best health resources are available.

Test at Christmas Camps 2020
We include a quick test for COVID antigens at the beginning of the program for all players. We carry out a thorough medical check-up for all internal players. Camps are closed to the public and comply with the protocol of the Consejo Superior de Deportes and FFCV. Health and hygiene measures are guaranteed.

Player entry protocol:
– Registration of camp attendees.
– Temperature taking.
– Cleaning of shoe soles.
– Cleaning of hands with hydroalcoholic gel.
– Access to the football campus. Each student will go to the area reserved for his/her group.
– Informative talk to the players to remind them of the health protocols to be followed during the day.

General protocol on the campus:
– All activities will be carried out in the open air.
– We will work with groups of 6 people.
– Bring your individual bottle of water or canteen with your name on it and it will be the one you drink on the pitch. During the break Soccer Inter-Action will give each student an additional small bottle of water.
– The backpacks will be left in an established area in your quadrant of the pitch.
– Players will only be allowed to wear their football boots from the time they enter the facility until they leave.
– Players will enter toilets and bathrooms one at a time, disinfecting their boots on a mat when entering.
– We will deliver the equipment to the players on the field two days before the beginning of the football camp. For hygienic reasons no change of size can be requested.
– During the rest hour, the pupils will be in a shaded area or cafeteria where they will have a mid-morning snack. Individually packed snacks and small water bottles for each student. The rest will be staggered by groups to ensure the minimum distance established.
– We will have masks available for the students to give to them at the exit in case they lose or dirty theirs.

– 24 hours before the start of the Campus, all coaches and monitors will be given tests and serological tests to rule out infection with COVID-19

– The entire workforce will be trained in the protocols in force at that time in the health sector and the CSD. Each group of workers will be fully aware of their area and all their actions.
– All trainers and monitors will be equipped with individual protection equipment, following the established protocol.
– Staff rotation will be avoided, maintaining the same staff throughout the campus.
– The use of a mask is obligatory.
– Daily registration of each participant and staff member.
– Morning and afternoon temperature taking.
– Disinfection of trainers’ equipment
– Exclusive footwear for training
– There will be a person in charge within the campus who will be responsible for the application of the protocol at 100%.

– Daily hygienisation of spaces.
– On the football pitches there will be a sanitising area with disinfectant gel in the bench area.
– The football pitches will be divided up by establishing safety zones that guarantee the distance between the groups.
– Each time a student or staff member uses the toilet, it will be disinfected after they leave.
– Sports equipment will be disinfected before use and at shift changes.
– Watery materials will be avoided.