Table of Contents
What is Sports Methodology?
Methodology is a scientific discipline that has its own characteristics and subjects with its own object of study, its own categorical system, its principles and regularities that constitute a whole system of theories, with a sufficient level of knowledge and development to separate it from other sciences and gain its autonomy and independence as such (Font, 2011).

The aim of Sport Methodology is to provide knowledge, strategies and tools to specialists to carry out the specialised training process within the area in which they work, in this case football, such as technical, tactical, physical, psychological or cognitive. The methodology has its own object of study determined by a level of discernments, categories, structures and principles that constitute a whole system of theoretical processes.
The Methodology of Sports Training is responsible for providing knowledge to monitors, coaches, trainers and specialists to carry out the process of technical, tactical, physical, psychological and cognitive training specialised for the athlete or player (Font, 2011).
On the other hand, according to Iturbe (2018) a methodology is a set of planning, practices, procedures, protocols, and documented rules within a certain activity or field to obtain an objective. All of this is applied within established and clearly defined timeframes and through the use of the necessary resources for its application.
In this way, we can say that the methodology is an ordered and organised process to effectively manage the contents and apply them in a comprehensive manner. Applied to football we would understand it as the management of all the areas that make up the Club or Federation (technical, tactical, physical and psychological management), in short, the sports area.
What are the objectives of the SIA Academy sports methodology?

SIA Academy’s sporting methodology aims, on the one hand, for players to develop their physical, technical, tactical and psychological skills to the highest level and in an interrelated manner. On the other hand, it aims to develop human beings and complete players who can successfully join society by representing the values of the institution, the players and professional football.
Let’s see more about the organisational part of the methodology department in the field of football:
Methodology Department

The Methodology Department aims to train, educate, plan, develop and manage coaches and trainers as well as the Football Federation, Football Club or Football Academy.
Authors such as Iturbe (2018) explain that within these functions is the professional sports performance through a process that enhances the teaching method, means and principles of training, and, in turn, sustain the foundations of a comprehensive training structure according to the demands of the Football Federation, increase professional performance in each area and promote the training process of sports specialists.
This area will be of great importance in the training and learning process, as the application of a methodology within a context can guarantee optimal results and that the contents to be developed will be carried out correctly, supervised and successfully.
Sport methodology area

Within this area, the professional competence of the sports specialist is developed in a specific way, following training patterns based on different levels (technical, tactical, physical, emotional and psychic) (Tassi, 2017).
To provide professionals with a methodological basis on which they can support themselves by assuming all the pedagogical and didactic knowledge necessary to execute and develop an optimal plan for the functioning of the process and application of sport practice. Thus, also, to facilitate or grant knowledge aimed at enhancing the professional competence of trainers and sports specialists.
For all this, it is necessary to define objectives differentiating each team, training and education of coaches or sports specialists, recruitment of new players, sports planning, technical programming and working methods.
Methodological Director
This sports figure is the specialist in charge of promoting all the training contents for the coaches and trainers of the academy. In this way, he helps to achieve the proposed results in an efficient and effective way, enhancing the knowledge of the professionals, facilitating solutions and optimally improving the process of learning acquisition by the trainers, carrying out continuous monitoring and evaluating their progress.
It is a guarantee to reach the proposed objectives within the organised structure of the academy and its integral working method for the training of young high-performance athletes.